With the generous support of the Jamie A. Hulley Arts Foundation (jamiehulleyartsfund.org), 7th grade students at AMSB participated in an interactive musical demonstration by Lorena Garay (lorenagaray.com), on Friday, October 6, 2023.
Lorena, an accomplished musician and Spanish guitarist from Puerto Rico shared her musical talents with the students while educating them on the different musical genres and regional instruments from Central & South America, the Spanish Caribbean, the Andres, Mexico, and Spain. Students were invited to play along with Lorena and wear traditional hats from each of the twelve regions/countries she teaches about!
This interactive experience was a part of the school’s recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month, an annual month-long celebration from September 15 to October 15. This celebration honors the contributions and influences of Hispanic Americans to the history, culture, and achievements of the United States. Teresa Garrity and Jennifer Blais, 7th grade Spanish teachers at AMSB, shared this experience with their students during their Spanish classes. It was a fun and immersive day!
Pictured (left to right): Lorena Garay, Smith Mowry, Chase Hughes, Benjamin Kandil, Gavin Bergeron, Aiden Caselli, Samy Zaka, Matthew Walther, and Mason Washington.