District Info
Our Schools
Amity Middle School - Bethany
Amity Middle School Orange
Amity Regional High School
Amity regional High School (ARHS) Website
25 Newton Road, Woodbridge, CT 06525
Phone: 203-397-4830
School Programs & Information
- Attendance Policy
- Adult Education
- Climate, Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity
- District Transportation
- Hall of Honor & Hall of Fame
- School Communications
- School Safety
- Strategic Action Plan & The Portrait of The Graduate
- Title IX & Pupil Services
Attendance Policy
As we continue our district focus on improving attendance we are implementing some new procedures that will help make it easier to communicate absences to the school in a timely manner. Beginning on September 9, 2024, any student that is marked absent, or unexcused from one, or more periods throughout the day, will receive an automated call from the SchoolMessenger around 3 PM.
This message will be:
"Hello, this is a message from the attendance office at <<your student’s school>>, calling to inform you that your student <<First Name>> <<Last Name>> was marked absent today <<date>> the following periods <<Periods Missed>>.
Please contact the attendance office of your student's school at, (phone number), to verify the absence, or send a signed note upon <<First name>>'s return to school. If you have already contacted the school office you can disregard this message. If you would like to replay this message, please press the star key. Thank you."
As an added feature, parents will now have the ability to submit their student’s attendance via the PowerSchool Portal. Please follow these directions for more information:
- After logging into PowerSchool, click on the “Attendance Monitor” link on the left-hand navigation list. (It will be towards the bottom of the list).
- Then click the report attendance button. Enter the date the student is, or will be absent. If it is for the current day enter today’s date and leave the second box blank.
- Select a reason for the absences from the list provided.
- Select Yes or No in the “Is the absence for the whole day” drop down. If you select no you must enter a time range of when your student will be absent.
- You must type an explanation in the text box and then click the submit button.
- You will receive an email confirmation of your submission. Please note: you may not report attendance for any previous days, and you can only submit attendance for tomorrow or the current day.
- For the first 9 absences, reporting an absence in PowerSchool would be considered written documentation to excuse the absence. After the first 9 absences additional documentation is still required to excuse additional absences.
As a reminder, a student’s absence from school shall be considered excused if written documentation of the reason for the absence has been submitted within ten school days of the student’s return to school in accordance with Section 10-198b of the Connecticut General Statutes, which defines the following criteria:
- For absences one through nine, a student’s absences from school are considered excused when the student’s parent/guardian approves such absence and submits appropriate documentation; and
- For the tenth absence and all absences thereafter, a student’s absences from school are considered excused for the following reasons:
- Student illness (Note: all student illness absences must be verified by an appropriately licensed medical professional to be deemed excused, regardless of the length of absence
- Student’s observance of a religious holiday; death in the student’s family or other emergency beyond the control of the student’s family
- Mandated court appearance (additional documentation required)
- Lack of transportation that is normally provided by a district other that the one the student attends (no parental documentation is required for this reason)
- Extraordinary educational opportunities pre-approved by district administrators and in accordance with Connecticut State Department of Education guidance.
- Student illness (Note: all student illness absences must be verified by an appropriately licensed medical professional to be deemed excused, regardless of the length of absence
After the first nine, any absences not due to one of the above reasons are considered unexcused.
Adult Education
Climate, Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity
We believe the district should nurture a community of learners who embrace individual and cultural differences, valuing how differences enrich society. At Amity, we celebrate diversity as a key concept of our educational philosophy. We recognize that every student brings a unique set of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives to our community. By embracing and honoring these differences, we create a vibrant learning environment where students learn from one another and develop the skills necessary to thrive in an interconnected world.
Learn More about amity's climate,
inclusion, diverstiy and equity
District Transportation
District Transportation
School transportation is an extension of the school day. Students are expected to conduct themselves in the same appropriate manner on the bus as they do in the school building. Students are advised that while awaiting or receiving transportation to and from school, they may be suspended for conduct which endangers persons or property or violates Board of Education Policy and Administrative Regulations. School administration shall follow procedures in BOE Policy 5131 (Conduct & Discipline) when suspending bus privileges and/or suspending or expelling a student from school.
Routes, Expectations & Other Resources
Bus Routes
The Amity Regional School District No. 5 Board of Education is committed to providing an effective, efficient, and safe transportation system for all students. Bus routes and stops will be established in accordance with Board of Education Policy 3541. Routes shall equalize, as nearly as possible, the length of routes and bus loads as close to bus capacity as possible and shall provide student transportation to and from schools within prescribed time limits. Generally, bus routes shall begin no earlier than 60 minutes before school opens, and students shall not be in transit from school more than 60 minutes. By mid-August each year, student school bus schedules and stops will be developed by the Transportation Coordinator. Bus routes will be published on the District website prior to the opening of school.
Bus Behavior Expectations
Students are expected to maintain an orderly atmosphere when on the bus. Safety is paramount. The following expectations allow for safe and efficient school transportation for all students:
Be at the bus stop at least five (5) minutes prior to bus arrival.
Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before approaching. Cross the road only when the bus driver signals that it is safe to do so.
Always follow the bus driver’s directions and requests.
Stay in your seat while the bus is moving. Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before standing to get off.
Keep all body parts inside the bus.
Keep the aisle clear of backpacks and carry-on items.
Talk quietly and respectfully. Derogatory and obscene language is prohibited.
Food and beverages are not allowed to be consumed on the bus at any time.
The use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, vapes, or any controlled substance in any form on a school bus is prohibited by state law.
Do not damage or deface the bus in any way. The student will be liable for any damage.
The bus driver is in charge of the bus and student safety. The bus driver will not permit violation of the established bus expectations and/or Board of Education policies. If a student breaks any of the expectations, Board policies, or fails to follow the bus driver’s directions, the bus driver will report the infraction to a school administrator in writing with a copy of the report going to the bus company. The school administrator will notify the parent of the report.
Be advised that when students are awaiting or receiving transportation to and from school, they may be suspended from transportation services for improper conduct which endangers persons or property or violates Board Policy and Administrative Regulations. School administration shall follow procedures in Policy 5131 on Student Conduct and Discipline when suspending bus privileges
Change of Location or Bus
Permission to Ride on a Different Bus
All school buses have an approved seating capacity which cannot be exceeded. School bus routes are planned based on the maximum use of seated capacity. However, exceptions may be made for permanent changes or students may receive temporary permission (middle school only).
Long-term changes – Students may receive permission to ride on a different bus for home care/childcare arrangements or for work/employment. Requests for long-term, consistent changes in bus transportation must be made in writing to the Transportation Coordinator.
Temporary (Daily) changes (Middle School Students only) – Middle school students may receive permission to ride a different bus home (i.e. to a friend’s house) on a temporary, daily basis. A note from the student’s parent/guardian must be received before permission will be given. The student will receive a pass from the school office that will allow them to ride a different bus. Arrangements to ride a different bus must be made beforehand; students will not be permitted to contact home to make the arrangements during the school day.
Bus Stop Location Change Process
The Amity Regional School District does not provide “door-to-door” bus service. Students in middle and high school are expected to walk to and use neighborhood bus stops when feasible. Bus stops changes will be made only for safety concerns. The process to request a change in the location of a bus stop is listed below:
- Email the Amity Transportation Coordinator, Troy Sorensen at csorensenllc@gmail.com. An appropriate investigation and decision will be completed in a timely manner.
- Parent/Guardian may submit a written appeal of the Transportation Coordinator’s decision to the School Principal. The Principal will review the decision and the appeal and will respond to the parent within 5 school days.
- Parent/Guardian may submit a written appeal of the Principal’s decision to the Amity Director of Finance. The Director will review the decision and the appeal and will respond to the parent within 10 school days. Consultation with local law enforcement officials may occur as part of the review process.
- Parent/Guardian may submit a written appeal of the Director of Finance’s decision to the Superintendent of Schools. The Superintendent will review the decision and the appeal and will respond to the parent within 10 school days.
- Parent/Guardian may submit a written appeal of the Superintendent’s decision to the Chair of the Board of Education. The Chair will designate a committee of the Board to review the decision and the appeal and will respond to the parent in writing.
Parent/Guardian Responsibility
Parents/Guardians are responsible for ensuring the safety of their students up until the point when students board the school bus and after students get off the bus after school. This responsibility includes the selection of walking routes to/from any bus stop and the provision of supervision that is appropriate to the student’s age, maturity, and conditions along the walking route and/or at the bus stop.
Hall of Honor & Hall of Fame
Academic Hall of Honor
Each year the Hall of Honor Committee will select outstanding graduates of Amity and/or retired teachers/administrators who have exemplified excellence and honor and have consistently demonstrated, in the words of the Hall of Honor Criteria and Nomination Form, “the highest ideals and standards in such areas as Leadership, Innovation in his/her field, Excellence in his/her vocation and/or avocation, Integrity, Dedication, and living out the Amity District’s Mission Statement.
Athletics Hall of Fame
The Amity Alumni Athletic Hall of Fame Committee was created in April 1998 for the purpose of recognizing those individuals who exhibited excellence in athletic performance, leadership, or support associated with the Amity Regional High School interscholastic athletics program. Each year the Committee will solicit nominations and select those individuals with outstanding character deemed worthy for induction into the Hall of Fame.
School Communications
Communication Program: SchoolMessenger
Amity Region 5 uses the SchoolMessenger Mass Notification System to provide timely communication to parents/guardians on numerous occasions not limited to things such as school closures, general information, attendance, and potential emergency situations. Contact information comes directly from PowerSchool and is updated on a nightly basis.
Whenever a change in contact information is made in PowerSchool it will also be made in SchoolMessenger. If you wish to update your contact information you must do this in PowerSchool for the changes to take effect. There is a separate portal that you may use to adjust your SchoolMessenger settings, but you must access it for the first time through PowerSchool.
Simply click the SchoolMessenger link in PowerSchool. When creating a SchoolMessenger account please use the email address associated with your PowerSchool Parent Portal account. If you are unsure of the email used you can click the Email Notification link within PowerSchool to see your account email. Failure to use an the correct email will result in an error. School Messenger also has an iOS and Android app for use on your mobile device. Once logged into school messenger, you can click on your initials in the top right corner and adjust any of the preferences on your account.
SMS Opt-in
Our district will also send sms/text messages out from time to time. In
order to receive text message from the district your phone number will need to be opted-in to our system. This may have already happened for your phone number. If it has not you may text the letter y or the word yes to the phone number 67587. At any time after opting-in you may text STOP to the same number to Opt-out of future messages. Please note that not every communication the district sends will have a corresponding text message.
Need help?
If you have any questions or issues, please contact the Technology Helpdesk.
School Safety
Strategic Action Plan & The Portrait of The Graduate
view amity's Regional School District
Strategic Action Plan 2023-2026
What is a Portrait of the Graduate (POG)?
A Portrait of the Graduate outlines the skills, knowledge, and dispositions that students across all grade levels should have. It is a promise that our educators make to ALL our students to prepare our students for the world beyond school. Additionally, a Portrait of the Graduate should reflect what our community values for our graduates.
Title IX & Pupil Services
The Superintendent of Schools designates and authorizes Jaime Guthrie, Coordinator of Pupil Services, as the District's Title IX Coordinator.
Ms. Guthrie is responsible for ensuring compliance across the Amity Regional School District No. 5 with Title IX, corresponding state law, and applicable board policy concerning sex discrimination/sexual harassment. She can be reached at: