Our schedule is a 6-day rotating schedule. The five academic classes (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and World Language) and Life Arts meet daily. The full-year electives (Band, Choir, Mandarin Chinese, and Strings) meet on alternating days opposite Physical Education. Special Services are incorporated on a rotating basis.
If your child will be absent for any reason, please send an email to AttendanceAMSO@amityregion5.org. Or you can call the attendance line to report the absence at 203-392-3200 and press 1. NOTE: IF you call the attendance line you MUST also follow up with an email or a note.
Send email notes to: AttendanceAMSO@amityregion5.org. That note or e-mail will suffice to excuse absences 1-9 and subsequent absences will require documentation from a doctor or medical provider to be excused.
As we continue our district focus on improving attendance we are implementing some new procedures that will help make it easier to communicate absences to the school in a timely manner. Beginning on Monday, September 9, any student that is marked absent unexcused from one, or more periods throughout the day, will receive an automated call from school messenger around 3 PM.
more information on our attendance policy
Early dismissal from school requires a written request from a parent or guardian. The note must be brought to the main office at the beginning of the school day. Dismissal is generally for doctor’s appointments and family emergencies. Parents or guardians must come into the office and sign out their child before the student may leave the building.
Students who enter the building after 7:34 AM are considered tardy and should report to the Main Office. Excused tardies include illness, a doctor’s appointment, or other extenuating circumstances.